SHAUN OF THE DEAD and Queen’s ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’, ‘You’re My Best Friend’

Edgar Wright is one of the cleverest directors today for putting music to film, and it’s a pair of Queen songs that tie together his 2004 masterpiece Shaun of the Dead. It’s a rare coming-of-age-at-29 story, and Wright and fellow screenwriter Simon Pegg tell the tale of Shaun, a young man who's stuck in a... Continue Reading →

IT and XTC’s “Dear God”

When you’re a kid, parents are like God. And awful parents are like Old Testament God: loyalty above morality. It’s my way or the highway (to hell). Andy Muschietti’s 2017 adaptation of Stephen King’s It strikes this note, and it knows when to use the right music to set the tone. And though the tone... Continue Reading →

SUDDEN DEATH & the NHL on ESPN theme song

Hockey on film has a surprisingly good record with pop music. Slap Shot has Maxine Nightingale’s “Right back where we started”, Goon has Sloan’s “Money City Maniacs”, Youngblood has The Supremes’ “Get Ready”, while D2: The Mighty Ducks has “Whoomp! There it is”. But 1995’s Sudden Death has virtually nothing to speak of on its... Continue Reading →

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